Your BC Camping
Gear Checklist
There are many types of camping. Some people like to take off for two weeks in the woods with only what they can carry on their backs, in which case the size and weight of their camping gear is a huge consideration. Other people prefer to drive to their campsite, drop the tailgate and get out the folding chairs, and there is every type of camping in between.
River Sportsman carries an assortment of quality supplies from tents and sleeping bags to camping accessories like lanterns, water purifiers, headlamps and flashlights. We’ve got dry bags, rope bungees and coolers–whatever you think you might need for hanging out with the bears.
We also specialize in outdoor clothing and offer rain gear and boots to keep you warm and dry. Our staff is trained to make knowledgeable recommendations on style and fit of boots and socks that will work for you.
Camping Tents for Everyone
At River Sportsman, we cater to all types of campers. From 6-person family tents to extremely lightweight 1-person packables. Choose the size, style, colour and options online to find the one that fits just right.
Finding the Right Sleeping Bag
No matter what kind of camper you are, you want to sleep well. Sleeping bags involve some personal choices, so we keep a large selection. Bags are designed for different sleeping preferences as well as for varying weather conditions. From -40 degree comfort bags to small, light-weight hiking bags, you can find what’s right for you at River Sportsman because our selection is displayed in our store, many bags unfolded and ready for you to check out.
Backpacks Galore
We have a range of backpacks from small day packs to massive 100-litre, multi-day travelling packs. Ask our staff to custom-fit a new backpack to your body shape to ensure maximum comfort.
Don’t forget Your Bean Heaters
We also have the right stove for your camping trip, whether you plan to heat beans on a mountain top or invite the family in the next campsite over for dinner. Lightweight, single burner or multi-burner table-top, we offer a full selection.
Questions about our more technical camping gear or supplies? Ask us, we’re always happy to help instore or online!